Isaiah 42:19 "In all the world, no one is more blind than my servant. No one is more deaf than my messenger. No one is more blind than my chosen people, the servant of the Lord." In this era and times we are in, Christians have become deaf, we no longer listen to God, we are too blind, we can't see what God is doing. God is doing a new thing. He is moving in a different phase, only those who move by the spirit of God will be able to hear and see that. Most people who are too blind are those who claim to know God. We are so caught up in seeing what we want to see and what the world wants us to see than what God wants us to see. We know what we ought to do, but we do not obey that. We hear with our ears but we refuse to listen to God. God wants us to do what is right, He wants us to honour his teachings. Let us not allow the devil to defeat and steal our teachings. We are so full of fear that we even forget what the word of God says about all of this. And th...