Amina Williams. 

It was on Valentine's eve when I decided to take a risk to interview one of the upcoming influential young women in the Media Industry, Amina Williams, who is SINGLE!!! I couldn't believe it during her Q&A on Instagram that she is single and NOT looking. 

Amina has a background in PR and communications and currently works in oil and gas. She worked alongside other known faces in the media such as Nicolette Mashile, Aaron Moloisi and Jackie Phamotse amongst others. 

As it is rare in most of our communities to find such a full house like Amina being single, we wanted to find out how she does it and keeps on doing it. 

FOCUS: Why are you so content with being single up to now?

Amina: I‘ve been single for about 2 and half years now and during this time, I made the biggest discoveries about myself: what I like, what I don’t like, my love languages, what I attract and everything I had not had the opportunity to learn while being in a relationship. Spending time alone also allowed me to love myself more and put myself first. With that said, I think I have been content with being single for that exact reason. I have since not been able to be in the position to compromise or accept anything less than I deserve ever since. From the many wise words of Breeny Lee who utters the words ‘’you are the prize and you are not chasing anyone who does not have the eyes for you. [anyone wanting to be with you must let it be know, if not, their loss.]’’ (P.s she’s my spirit animal!).  

F: Have you dated before? If yes, was it the break up that influenced your decision to be single till date?

A: I think we often get dating and being in a relationship wrong. I’d like to think that dating involves getting to know someone/s but not necessarily have the exclusive title. Where as, being in a relationship, you’re exclusively seeing one person and consider yourself girlfriend and boyfriend. Great, now that we have that out of the way, yes I have dated and been in relationships and fortunately for me, none of them have had any influence of why I’m single today. 

F: Do you sometimes wish you had a companion? Why?

A: Sure, participating in couple goals, cuddles, sharing your life with someone are things we all want but I’d rather be alone than lower my standards for anyone. I think once you know who you are, that just doesn’t become an option anymore. I strongly believe that we set the tone of how people are to treat you so if you hold yourself in high esteem, the next person will too but if you don’t, well then boys will walk over your heart with their muddy feet and do as they please!  

F: What is your view of Valentine's Day? How do you spend it?

"I’d like to think that dating involves getting to know someone/s but not necessarily have the exclusive title. Where as, being in a relationship, you’re exclusively seeing one person and consider yourself girlfriend and boyfriend." 

A: I think Valentines day is beautiful. I love love and think we all deserve to be spoilt and treated like queens. I wouldn’t necessarily say I celebrate it, even when I was in a relationship because everyday should be a good enough day or reason to spoil or show appreciation to your significant other. 

F: Couples normally celebrate their anniversaries by sharing gifts or just going on a date, what do you do to celebrate your single life?

A: ‘Single life’. LOL! Since I’m the ‘single’ friend, all my girlfriends get me stuff. (I really don’t force them too, I promise!)

F: Would you advice other people to be single? Why? 

A: Not at all, being in a relationship or being single is solely based on you as an individual. What I would suggest though is that people do what makes them happy and put themselves first. Men aren’t necessities, there are a luxury. We should pick them because we like them, not because we need them to live. 

"I think being single is totally underrated. It's like the world thinks single people are lonely and do nothing but sulk and moan about not having anyone. Don’t get me wrong, there are perks of being single and perks of being in a relationship as well. The sad truth is that I don’t think we are content with ourselves to fully comprehend and/or appreciate our own space to think, breathe and just be on our own long enough to know what we actually want. You can only give love if you have it and with that said, happy valentines to all the beautiful couples out there and the amazing singledoms too! Love and light, inshallah" - Amina Williams

"You can only give love if you have it and with that said, happy valentines to all the beautiful couples out there and the amazing singledoms"


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