Title: Shaken Foundations
Proverbs 28:2 says, "A lawless nation will have many bad leaders. But a smart leader will rule for a long time in a land where people obey the law."
Our political leaders have shaken all foundations of our nation - foundation of marriages, foundation of education, foundation of Christianity and foundation of health has been tampered with.
Today children are given rights, there's 50/50 in marriages and God is no longer a priority in our schools. Foundations play the role of structures. What you are is the foundation of your structure.
The world is messed up because of disobeying God. We have abandoned all the foundations and principles that God has given to us in the beginning. He created us to rule and dominate but instead we have corrupt leaders for God has turned away from us. He allowed everything to be the way they are because we are disobedient.
We need to repent and turn to God for help. He will surely save us and give us good leaders. But as long as we are still disobedient to God, we will continue suffering the same fate as South African nation. We will continue suffering as a country for as long as Christians are still ignorant.
Christians must wake up and take their positions. Christians are the solution of our country. Christians are the answer to our country. It's time for christians to stand up and fix things. It's time to seek God's wisdom, knowledge, understanding and He will help us fix every shaken foundation that the enemy has tampered with.
On our own we can't do it. We must go back to our Creator because He is the one who created everything in this world. He created those foundations. The church must stand in the gap for our nation. Let's cry to our God and He will hear us and He will answer our prayers.
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "if my people, who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways. Then will I hear from heaven,and will forgive their sins and will heal their land."
Grace expires and it also has time frame. If you prolong the time for grace, you will begin to suffer. That is why our country is suffering because Christians have prolonged the grace of God to dominate.
The grace has shifted to the next place for us Christians. Next place of domination. This is the time for restoration, for Christians to take their position. We need to understand the times that we live in. When God shifts the grace, He says move for I am moving to another level. Therefore, God is moving to another level, let's move with him.
When foundations are shaken what is the church doing? When is the church going to do to resolve this foundation that is been shaken?
For christians to face the shaken foundations, you need spiritual wisdom and knowledge. Christians must be filled with spiritual knowledge for us to conquer the shaken foundations. Because when foundations are shaken it also affect us.
Stay Blessed!
- Pastor Hunadi Lebudi
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